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참 인연 이란

진정한 인연이란
처음 본 순간 자주 만남
사람처럼 친근감이 있고
내 몸에 꼭 맞는 옷처럼 편하지만
만나면 만날수록
내 몸에 맞지 않는 옷처럼
불편하고 부담스런 사람은
인연이 아닌 것 입니다
인연이 아닌 사람은
결국 오래 가지 못하고
이별하게 됩니다
What is a true relationship?
The moment we first saw each other, we met often
Has a human-like friendliness
It's comfortable like clothes that fit my body perfectly
The more we meet, the more we meet
Like clothes that don't fit my body
People who are uncomfortable and burdened
It's not a relationship.
People who are not meant to be
In the end it doesn't last long
We will break up